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Sell To Us

Sell your automation and control hardware to us!


Selling your surplus stock means this hardware is in use for longer instead of ending up in landfill. This makes your business more eco-friendly and helps the wider industry. It’s the first step towards the circular economy.

Earn Money

Selling surplus parts probably won’t make you a millionaire, but it can generate an income that you can reinvest into your business to improve your industrial process.

Improve Health and Safety

Industrial automation hardware lying around can become a safety hazard and can get in the way of day-to-day operations. Dispose of these parts today to improve safety onsite.

Sell your Automation Spares in 3 easy steps

Step 1. Contact Us

Simply fill in the form or email, tell us about the parts you’d like to sell and agree a no obligation price with our dedicated purchasing team.

Step 2. Box it up

Put all the hardware into boxes and arrange a time for our shipping company to collect the hardware from you free of charge, we’ll do all the hard work!

Step 3. Count your cash

We can arrange to pay you via bank transfer or PayPal once the parts have been collected, whichever is easiest. So you get the money as quick as possible and without any hassle.

Contact us about selling your parts

If you have a list of items that you wish to sell, please download our bulk sales spreadsheet below and email to

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If you have any questions get in contact with us via our enquiry form or call us on +64 (0) 3 964 0692.

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