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Find out more about Mizen Automation

Mizen Automation was set up in 2014 to address the unnecessary disposal of surplus and faulty industrial automation hardware into landfill

We are very aware that every little bit helps when it comes to the environment, so we are doing our bit by making a contribution to the circular economy. By repairing and refurbishing used and/or defective industrial automation hardware, this hardware becomes available once more to be used in the industrial environment and avoids ending up in landfill.

Through intensive collaboration with our customers and distributors, we have formed an extensive global network and are able to find even the hardest to source equipment. We go to all this effort so that our customers avoid unnecessary investment in expensive hardware upgrades.

We partner with multiple market leading companies globally to ensure that we can give our customers the best service possible.

As an established and trusted industry supplier worldwide, we provide our customers with new, used, repaired, near-obsolete and obsolete industrial automation products and spares. Hundreds of thousands of parts from over 800 manufacturers, competitively and reliably delivered as they are needed.

- Trusted by -

If you have any questions get in contact with us via our enquiry form or call us on +64 (0) 3 964 0692.

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